Gardening Houseplants Types of Houseplants

How to Grow and Care for Alocasia

Alocasia, or elephant's ear, are popular indoor plants with large heart-shaped or arrow-shaped leaves that grow from tuberous rhizomes. Several species in the genus are prized for their prominent veins or variegation. They need warm, humid conditions that mimic their native habitat to thrive, so it's best to grow them indoors. However, their leaves are toxic to humans and animals, so they should be avoided altogether if you have pets or children.

alocasia house plant

The Spruce / Cori Sears 

Common Name Alocasia, elephant's ear, African mask plant
Botanical Name Alocasia spp.
Family Araceae or Aroid
Plant Type Herbaceous perennial
Mature Size 2–10 ft. tall, 2-10 ft. spread (depends on species and variety)
Sun Exposure Bright indirect light indoors; part shade outdoors
Soil Type Loose, well-draining potting mix or crumbly loam
Soil pH Slightly acidic (5.5 to 6.5)
Bloom Time Spring and summer
Flower Color Light butter-yellow (rarely flowers; not showy)
Hardiness Zones 10–12 (USDA)
Native Areas Tropical regions of Asia
Toxicity Toxic to humans, toxic to dogs, toxic to cats

Alocasia Care

When they have the right conditions, alocasia is easy to care for and can grow quickly in the warm summer months and produce a new leaf every week. Here are the main care requirements of alocasia.

  • Keep Alocasia in a warm indoor location with high humidity and bright indirect light.
  • Plant in slightly acidic soil in a container that drains well.
  • Water to the point that the soil is evenly moist but scale back in the winter during dormancy.
  • Feed with a balanced fertilizer during the growing season.


Some alocasia species are considered invasive especially along the Gulf Coast of the United States. Consult with your local municipality before planting this species outdoors in the garden.

alocasia pups
The Spruce / Cori Sears  
Alocasia macrorrhizos leaves
The Spruce / Corinne Bryson
Closeup of an alocasia amazonica leaf
The Spruce / Corinne Bryson
An alocasia macrorrhizos leaf
The Spruce / Corinne Bryson


Alocasia generally thrive in bright indirect light, which prevents their leaves from scorching, but the amount and type of light depends on the species or cultivar. Some large varieties can handle full direct sunlight, and their leaf color tends to be more defined.

Generally, a location in or near a window with an eastern or western exposure offers the filtered light many species appreciate. Some alocasia will tolerate a shadier spot in your home, but the leaf growth might be slower and less impressive.


Plant alocasia in a loose, well-drained potting mix. They have a preference for slightly acidic soil, which is provided by a standard all-purpose peat-based potting mix or one specially formulated for aroids. These plants don't like wet feet, so if you need to improve the drainage, you could amend the mix with orchid bark or perlite, .


Alocasia are water-loving plants, but there is a fine line with these plants. You want to keep the soil evenly moist but not soggy. They require less water during the winter months when the plant is dormant.

Allow the top few inches of soil to become nearly dry before watering. This will help keep the soil evenly moist. Soggy soil makes the plant susceptible to fungal infections and root rot.

Temperature and Humidity

Alocasia will suffer below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Some varieties will die back during colder weather and re-sprout from the rhizome. They require very humid environments. To raise the humidity around your plant, place it on a tray filled with pebbles and add water until the rises to just below pebble surface. Keep them away from cold drafts from windows, doors, and air conditioning.


A liquid houseplant fertilizer with a 20-20-20 formulation is recommended during the growing season. This general-purpose mix contains 20% each of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to promote healthy foliage growth and strong roots. Dilute it to half-strength to reduce the risk of leaf burn, or opt for a slow-release variety that gradually releases the nutrients.

These plants, especially larger specimens, are heavy feeders. So feeding once or twice a month while the plant is growing is a sensible strategy. Stop feeding your alocasia during its dormant phase.

Types of Alocasia

There are nearly 100 species of alocasia, and a surprisingly large number are used as houseplants. Here are some favorite species and cultivars:

  • Alocasia cuprea 'Red Secret': This is a three-foot-tall plant with metallic bronze-red leaves.
  • Amazonian elephant's ear)Alocasia x amazonica(: A popular compact hybrid, this variety has deep green leaves and striking white or light green veins.
  • 'Polly'Alocasia × amazonica: This compact cultivar features ruffled leaves with creamy white veins.
  • zebrina Alocasia: A finicky but fabulous species, this can grow up to three feet tall. It's the zebra-striped stems that make this plant stand out.
  • 'Black VelvetAlocasia reginula': This type is a striking dark green plant with white veins. It is a compact plant that generally stays under 18 inches.
  • Alocasia 'Tiny Dancer: This variety has graceful stems in a dancer-like silouette and tiny leaves that shed for the winter.


Only prune your alocasia to remove damaged, dying, or dead foliage. Doing this will allow the nutrients to head to the healthy foliage, helping it flourish. It's best to prune your alocasia when it is actively growing in the spring or summer.

Use sterile, sharp pruning shears or scissors to cut the stem of the flawed foliage at the base of the plant. Because of the plant's toxicity, use gloves when pruning this houseplant.

Propagating Alocasia

You can propagate most alocasia plants by clump or rhizome division, something that's easy to do and will produce many more plants. Perform this task in the spring.

  1. Use a trowel to gently dig your plant out of its container and choose root clumps that have gotten bigger over time, ensuring plenty of rhizomes to divide.
  2. With clean pruners, cut off pieces of the underground rhizome and pot them up separately in a moist potting mix.
  3. Keep pots warm and moist until new growth begins, usually a couple of weeks. They are ready to be potted when you tug at them and they have enough roots to resist.

Growing Alocasia From Seed

This plant is very easy to propagate by root division, so propagation by seed is not frequently done. But if you have a mature plant that flowers and produces seed pods, you can extract the seeds from the dried pods and plant them in a rich, peat-based potting mix. Sow the seeds on the surface, then sprinkle a thin layer of potting mix over them. Keep the potting mix damp but not soggy until they sprout.

But be patient because it can take years to nurture seedlings into full-sized plants with the characteristic huge leaves.

Potting and Repotting Alocasia

The key component when repotting this houseplant is to choose one with ample drainage holes. Alocasia don't respond well to sitting in standing water.

Although these plants don't mind being a little root bound, they are fast-growing. The smaller varieties might need repotting every year to 18 months. Select a pot that is one to two inches larger in diameter than the current pot and repot during the spring or summer growing season. If you use a pot that is too large, it could cause the plant to struggle to absorb water. While they like consistent moisture, soggy soil isn't good.

Larger floor plants will likely only need repotting every 18 months to two years. Choose a pot that is two to four inches larger in diameter than the existing pot.

There are pros and cons to using a porous or nonporous container for your alocasia. Clay pots allow decent airflow to the roots and soil, but nonporous plastics or glazed ceramics help to maintain the even moisture that these plants appreciate. Using a heavier material, like clay, helps weigh a tall plant down so it is less likely to get toppled over by a playful pet or toddler.

Common Pests & Plant Diseases

Alocasia plants are not commonly victims of disease. However, most alocasia species are prone to spider mites. Their large leaves are also at risk of being torn by strong winds, so keep them in a protected area, especially during storms.

How to Get Alocasia to Bloom

Alocasia plants are grown more for their foliage than their flowers but they will bloom in the right conditions. The flowers are unremarkable, but you can coax flowers along for the benefit of seeds.

Bloom Months

If your alocasia is mature enough to bloom, it will happen in the spring months.

What Does Alocasia's Flowers Look and Smell Like?

Alocasia flowers vary widely in color from pale peach to white or green. They can have a sweet, pleasant smell, especially at nighttime, or an earthy and musky smell.

How to Encourage More Blooms

To encourage blooms, make sure your plants spend time outdoors in the spring and summer. They are unlikely to flower when kept indoors year-round.

Caring for Alocasia After it Blooms

The plant will more than likely be ready for winter dormancy when the flowering season is over. Deadhead any remaining flowers move indoors into a warm and humid environment.

Deadheading Alocasia Flowers

Remove any spent flowers to encourage new blooms to form. This will also assist the plant in growing larger leaves and reaching its full potential. Deadhead the flowers as soon as they fade to see a second bloom, hopefully.

Common Problems With Alocasia

Alocasia are easy plants to grow, if they receive the amount of light and water they need to thrive. Have problems with yours? Hopefully, these fixes will help.

Yellowing leaves

There are several reasons why your alocasia leaves have yellowed. It's likely a watering issue—too much, or possibly too little, can cause leaves to discolor this way. Alocasia drink a lot; several inches of water a week. If you're giving them less or more, that might be the reason for the yellowing.

They also need a good amount of filtered light, and if they're receiving less than the desired amount, this can cause leaf yellowing. Their leaves can also turn yellow if they're growing in a pot that is too small. When was the last time you replanted? Are they pot bound? Repotting might be the answer.

Shriveled or drooping leaves

If your alocasia is suffering from drooping leaves, you are likely getting it wrong with watering, light, or fertilization. These plants need even moisture, so change your watering habits if the soil is soggy or too dry. Move your plant to a spot with brighter indirect light if it is located in a shady corner, and consider feeding more regularly if your fertilization schedule is lax.

  • Is alocasia difficult to keep alive?

    Some may say this is a temperamental plant, but when provided with the proper conditions, alocasia is not difficult to maintain. Take care not to overwater and keep in humid conditions with bright, filtered light.

  • How long does an alocasia live?

    With so many species to choose from, the lifespan of an alocasia differs depending on the species. However, with regular repotting and division, you can keep your plant alive for many decades.

  • Is alocasia a better indoor or outdoor plant?

    Alocasia is best grown as a houseplant due to its need for a warm and humid environment and filtered light. It will tolerate the outdoors as long as it has the proper conditions.

  • What are some non-toxic alternatives to alocasia?

    If you're worried about alocasia's toxicity, a prayer or peperomia plant, a Boston fern, or a Christmas cactus may be a good houseplant alternative.

  • How should I use this plant in my decor?

    Alocasia are so striking and geometric that they tend to work best in modern decor styles or in tropical-themed rooms.

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  1. Are Plants in the Alocasia Genus Poisonous?. National Capitol Poison Center.

  2. Alocasia. North Carolina State University Extension.

  3. Elephant Ears. University of Florida Gardening Solutions.