• How to repot an Alocasia

    How to repot an Alocasia

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    If your Alocasia plant has stopped growing or its growth has slown down, and you have made no changes to your care routine it is likely that your Alocasia has outgrown its current pot and needs repotting. In this guide we will go through everything you need to know to successfully repot your plant.
  • Are Alocasia plants poisonous?

    Are Alocasia plants poisonous?

    The Alocasia is one of the most popular houseplants in the UK. Their large, showy leaves make them a stunning feature in your home. However, if you have pets and children, you may need to reconsider your placement of the plant as the Alocasia is known to be toxic. In this guide we will take through everything you need to know about Alocasia toxicity.
  • Alocasia Propagation Guide

    Alocasia Propagation Guide

    Propagating your Alocasia plants allows you to fill your space with these wonderful plants, and lets you give them as cheap, but effective gifts to friends and family. In this guide we will go through all the whys and hows of propagating your Alocasia plants.
  • Alocasia Baginda Silver Dragon Care Guide

    Alocasia Baginda Silver Dragon Care Guide

    The Silver Dragon is a rarer Alocasia plant, and a must have for anyone who wants to bring a modern feel to their space. This variety is native to the rainforests of Borneo where it thrives in humid and bright conditions.
  • Why has my Alocasia gone dormant?

    Why has my Alocasia gone dormant?

    The Alocasia is a beautiful species of tropical houseplant that brings a range of colours and textures into your home. It is a favourite of both new and veteran home growers alike because it is easy to look after and hardy. 
  • Why does my Alocasia Zebrina have yellow leaves?

    Why does my Alocasia Zebrina have yellow leaves?

    The Alocasia Zebrina is a beautiful plant that looks stunning in any home or office, but it can be a temperamental plant sometimes. It is not uncommon for the leaves of this plant to turn yellow if there is an issue. Luckily, the Alocasia is an easy to look after houseplant that bounces back quickly from any issues once they have been sorted out. In this guide, we...
  • Why is my Alocasia Zebrina drooping?

    Why is my Alocasia Zebrina drooping?

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    The Alocasia is a tropical houseplant that is prized for its bold and beautiful leaves. This species comes in a variety of colours and sizes, but each one is beautiful and a great feature in the home.
  • How to care for Alocasia Zebrina

    How to care for Alocasia Zebrina

    The Alocasia Zebrina is a stunning tropical houseplant that brings a beautiful, and unusual look into your space. It’s large heart-shaped leaves are a space-filling addition to the home that sit on top of large,  zebra-like stems. 
  • Quick plant care: Alocasia

    Quick plant care: Alocasia

    Alocasia are available in a huge range of varieties but every plant offers a stunning and, often unusual, centrepiece of any room in your home. In the right conditions and with the right care, Alocasia are fast growing plants so, let’s have a look at the best care for these plants.
  • Quick plant care: Alocasia Frydek

    Quick plant care: Alocasia Frydek

    The Alocasia Frydek is a popular plant that is also known as an Alocasia Green Velvet or an African mask plant, and is an elephant’s ear variation in the Alocasia plant family. 
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