Ganoderma lucidum: A mushroom of longevity.

Ganoderma lucidum: A mushroom of longevity.

Using mushrooms and by-products to enhance health and well-being and to establish and reintroduce the traditional practice of home healthcare for everyday common illness but please note, it does not advocate that mushrooms or other remedies be used to replace the guidance of trained health care. In our platform you will discover those products which have been used and still practiced as a food and medicine with few or no known side effects. But always consult your doctor or healthcare adviser if you are under medication. Pregnant or lactating women must avoid high potent health products because mushrooms and herbs are not pharmaceutical medications.

Mushrooms are part of the whole fungi and are not any type of isolated or synthesized chemicals. During pregnancy, intake of high powerful adaptogens may not affect only the mother, it may also adversely affect the unborn fetus, causing congenital malformation and other deleterious effects. Medicinal and few functional mushrooms are unsafe during pregnancy because they can induce uterine contractions that could lead to miscarriage, a premature birth or injury to the fetus. Other mushrooms and herbs are harmful during pregnancy because they can cause high blood pressure which is no good for a pregnant lady.

Since pregnancy is not just about giving birth. It’s a process of the ultimate creation. Women are gifted the most precious gift of rebirth. So please avoid dietary supplements during pregnancy, your food is your medicine whatever you eat, will help in the creation or birth so be cautious and very selective while choosing your food.

Let’s unfold the mystery behind ‘Reshi’ mushrooms or what scientists call ‘Ganoderma’.

Gordon Wasson (father of mycology), strongly believed and has shown that the soma plant described in many ancient texts used more than 3500 to 4000 years before, was actually a fungus. Ancient texts around the globe, the artifacts found in different continents all revealed that the fungi (mushrooms) were mixed with certain medicinal herbs blended according to the cure required and have shown promising results since ages. Many Rishi munis in the abode of mighty Himalayas and Tibetan traditional healers believed that there grand to grand-fathers have lived minimum for 110 years and few stated even more and that’s because of the Ganoderma mushrooms and other herbs blended or mixed together and that’s the art of food medicine they still practising and have shown promising results.

The Vedic juice derived from mushrooms “soma rasa” have divine qualities for the person who consumes and even leads to immortality when combined or taken individually with specific herbs. Monks and mountain hermits have traditionally used Ganoderma mushrooms mixed with cordyceps in a perfect ratio using the art of blending to heighten their focus, increase their will power and maintain emotional balance.

In the hectic lifestyle of people with poor eating habits who don’t wish for a good relaxation of muscle tissues and a peaceful sleep.

Since the ancient era Ganoderma has been used by TCM and TTM practitioners to nourish three treasures Jing (essence), Qi (vital energy), and Shen (spirit). Bharat to Tibet to many other parts including Japan and China and architectural designs found around the globe and even said by a famous herbalist of China’s Shu Dynasty, Shen Nong around 2400 years ago all shows the magical healing power of the Ganoderma mushrooms.

Ganoderma mushroom in TCM is known as Lingzhi which signifies’ spiritual potency’ and ‘essence of immortality’. Today many scientific evidence based research continues to uncover the mysteries of what makes Ganoderma mushrooms one of nature’s most potent medicines.

Ganoderma mushroom is packed with active compounds called polysaccharides, which have immune-boosting and anti-aging properties and is also known as the God of Longevity.

Ganoderma is filled with triterpenes, the compound that gives it its bitter taste but also helps prevent hypertension and relieve allergy symptoms. Surprising fact, the more bitter the taste, the higher the quality of the mushroom. Reishi mushrooms( In Bharat ) or Lingchi( In Japan ), may or might prevent the growth and spread of cancer cells as studies and research done in the past. More concentration, study and research is required to understand the tremendous healing properties of this Immortality mushroom “Ganoderma”.

A 2008 study also found that the active components of Ganoderma mushroom combined with green tea may or might help to inhibit and decrease the tumor growth, especially when taken along with chemotherapy and radiotherapy sessions ( Please consult and update your healthcare professional before starting any adjuvant therapies ).

Ganoderma mushrooms are said to control and maintain the heart, kidney, liver and lungs and are therefore often advised to tone Qi which means to calm the mind, and relieve cough and asthma in TCM.

In Bharat it is known as Rishi-Soma as guided by the old reshis living in Himalayas and the old Tibetan traditional healers.

From: Elinor Organics

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