Amanita citrina

Amanita citrina is known as the false death cap because of its resemblance to the lethal Amanita phalloides.

Amanita citrina
  • Phylum: Basidomycota
  • Class: Agaricomycetes
  • Order: Agaricales
  • Family: Amanitaceae
  • Genus: Amanita
  • Epithet: citrina
  • Authority: Pers.
  • Collection #: PLP847_2018_171
  • Locale: Schoolcraft County, Michigan

Amanita citrina is known as the false death cap because of its resemblance to the lethal Amanita phalloides. Although A. citrina is not poisonous, its similarity to A. phalloides prohibits it from being considered edible. A. citrina can be distinguished from A. phalloides and A. bisporigera by the lack of a sack-like volva. The volva in A. citrina adheres tightly to the swollen base, rather than pulling away from it and forming a loose sack.

Macroscopic characters: The cap is 2.5-8 cm, pale yellow, broadly convex and sticky when fresh. Gills are free from the stem, creamy to yellowish with age. Stem 4-9 cm long with an abruptly bulbous base which is sometimes longitudinally chiseled. Persistent skirt-like ring is white to pale yellow and is sometimes hairy. Base has a whitish volva that adheres tightly and has a rim on the upper edge.

Microscopic characters: Spores 6.5-9 μm, globose, smooth, amyloid. basidia 4-spored, unclamped.

Amanita Citrina Figure 2

Ecology: Mycorrhizal with hardwoods and conifers and prefers sandy or silicate soils. Widely distributed east of the Rocky Mountains where it grows in scattered groups.

Edibility: Although this species is technically not toxic, its close resemblance to highly toxic species makes consumption extremely risky. It is not recommended to eat any Amanita species.


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