Beauty of the Bamboo Bridge

Bamboo bridges are not only structurally fantastic pieces of work, they are without doubt the most beautiful works of bamboo art on a grand scale. Take for example the Bamboo Cane Bridge, Village Kabua, Republic of Congo, a wire and bamboo cane bride spanning the river. Built for a practical reason, but extremely beautiful in it’s simplicity. It is obviously built as a passageway for locals to get across the river, the use of bamboo means it’s sustainable and can be easily fixed by everyone over time.

Bamboo Cane Bridge, Village Kabua, Republic of Congo

Sometimes a river just isn’t enough to show off your bamboo, this next bridge I found is also a thing of beauty. Built in Indonesia to cross this fast running piece of water it affords a wonderful view of the waterfall as well as the rapids beneath. It is constructed in a simple yet sturdy fashion: the emphasis is on the wicker style flooring with bamboo slats interwoven over each other. The sides poles are really long, single pieces of  bamboo. I don’t know about you, but I love it.

Cinulang Waterfall, Indonesia

From the simply beautiful to the simply amazing. This bridge by Iwaki Kazuya is called “Lachiku” is in Toyko. It is a visual treat or nightmare depending on your constitution 🙂 and made of 300 Moso bamboo poles . I think it shows the versatility of bamboo as an art material as well as a practical one. This bridge is very modern and definitely built for those with a sense of fun and adventure.

Bamboo bridge, Lachiku, Toyko, Japan

And from the simply amazing to the not-so-simply breathtaking. This bamboo bridge in Manila shows what you can do if you can whittle and have a day or two to yourself ;p . It can be found in the Chinese Gardens in Rizal, Manila. It is more aesthetically pleasing than practical, though it is definitely a bridge to all intents and purposes. If I had a bridge like this I would use it as a throne, that is all that needs to be said about it 🙂

Bamboo bridge, Chinese Gardens, Rizal, Manila

Wrapping up this little blog today we have my favourite image of a bamboo bridge. Four people and their trusty steeds on the way home from a days work, the sun setting in the background and the peace and quiet reigning all around.

Crossing a bamboo bridge on the way home.

If you want to build your own bamboo bridge, contact us at

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